throw a curve


throw a curve 的定义

  1. Surprise or outwit someone, as in They threw me a curve when they said that our department would be combined with yours. This colloquial term comes from baseball, where a pitcher tries to fool the batter by using a curve ball, which is thrown with sufficient spin to make it veer from its expected path. The term was transferred to other kinds of surprise, not necessarily unpleasant, in the mid-1900s.

throw a curve 近义词

throw a curve

等同于 jolt

throw a curve

等同于 misrepresent/misquote

throw a curve

等同于 astonish

throw a curve

等同于 balk

throw a curve

等同于 shake

throw a curve

等同于 shock

throw a curve

等同于 stun/stupefy

throw a curve

等同于 surprise

更多throw a curve例句

  1. ROME — What does it take for a Hollywood A-lister to get a private audience with Pope Francis?
  2. Yes, Byrd—dead four-and-a-half years now—was a Kleagle in the Ku Klux Klan.
  3. By the time it concluded with a sing-a-long of “XO,” Beyoncé had done the rare thing.
  4. In general, their presence is meant to throw you off your game by design.
  5. In another year, stories about the strange new face of an A-list actress might draw chortles and cackles.
  6. If you throw away this chance, you will both richly deserve to be hanged, as I sincerely trust you will be.
  7. Now-a-days it is the bankrupt who flouts, and his too confiding creditors who are jeered and laughed at.
  8. He felt himself the meanest, vilest thing a-crawl upon this sinful earth, and she—dear God!
  9. All that scientific bric-a-brac in the cupboard had far better be thrown away.
  10. That woman meant mischief, or she would never have dared to suggest that a British officer should throw in his lot with hers.